“The God who gave us life, gave us freedom at the same time.”
Thomas Jefferson
Liberty Villages provides resources for homeschooling families. The beauty of homeschooling is the ability to build a custom designed curriculum that meets the goals of each individual. We believe everyone has their own abilities and passions and should have the flexibility to pursue them to the best of their potential. For our personal homeschooling experience, we pulled from many different types of resources that helped us to achieve our educational goals. This meant using a combination of prepared curriculums, online courses, and homeschooling co-op classes. Below are some of the resources that we found useful.
Resources We Utilize
Mises Institute
The Mises Institute exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace. It is a global educational organization, seeking to make as many resources as possible available online at no charge. Their website offers many thousands of free books and hours of audio and video learning along with online classes, seminars, and courses on philosophy, history, and economics.
Udacity began as an experiment in online learning, when Stanford instructors Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig elected to offer their "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" course online to anyone, for free. Today, Udacity proudly offers aspiring learners across the globe the opportunity to participate in, and contribute to, some of the most exciting and innovative fields in the world.
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